CryomatiKs Zero Emission EVs 2.0 Technology Wins Automotive Solution of the Year Award
CryomatiKs’ patented EVs 2.0 technology uses the air that we all breathe every single day as a "fuel" so that the Wind and the Sun can directly power vehicles
“It’s Just Air!!” It sounds like magic, but it is real. CryomatiKs Inc.’s proprietary Combined Cycle Cryo Turbo has won the coveted Autotech Breakthrough award for “Engine Tech Solution of the Year.” Their Combined Cycle Range Extender EV solution uses the atmospheric air that has been chilled into a liquid to serve as a Non-Toxic Zero Emissions “fuel” source that generates electricity/power for transportation vehicles, including delivery vehicles, city buses, and other large commercial EVs, while also providing important air conditioning and refrigeration.
About CryomatiKs’ Zero Emission Technology
For the second year in a row, CryomatiKs’ Zero Emission technology has been selected as the recipient of the “Engine Tech of the Year Award.” CryomatiKs innovative design solutions combine 120+ year old proven Liquid Air technology with proprietary Cryo Turbo air expansion technology, and telematics / wireless connectivity technology. The only two requirements for producing an unlimited quantity of Liquid Air based “fuel” for commercial EVs is the atmospheric air we all breathe and electricity. Low cost electricity is already available from Wind and Solar farms, which allows the Sun and the Wind to directly power various types of transportation vehicles without releasing any emissions within that end to end process.
"Our proprietary Combined Cycle designs, based on our patented Cryo Turbo technology, is a true innovation for the automotive industry,” says Mark Cann, CEO/ co-CTO of CryomatiKs Inc. and the creator of the Cryo Turbo based range extender design. Cann continued, ”Our technology allows delivery vehicles, electrified city buses and other large commercial EVs to travel further distances in between quick refueling while also providing air conditioning and highly valuable refrigeration.”
Performance of CryomatiKs’ Combined Cycle designs not only meet, but in many cases, exceed the performance of today’s EV 1.0 based city buses and other large commercial EVs. Their innovative expansion designs help enable the adoption of EVs 2.0 technology that allows for extended driving range while releasing zero local emissions, as well as allowing food being transported to remain safely refrigerated for longer distances and duration than other zero emission technologies. High grade air conditioning, which is vital in warmer climates, is also available without negatively effecting the driving range of delivery vehicles, city buses and other commercial EVs. Since the Liquid Air base “fuel” is stored as a liquid, 5 minute quick refueling at the equivalent rate of quick charging at up to 2MW is also available.
“We’re honored to be have been selected once again and we are excited to be one of the companies enabling the mass adoption of EVs 2.0, the next generation of electric vehicles,” says Cann. “The Autotech Breakthrough Awards continue to shine a light on the innovative companies around the globe that are driving adoption of the latest transportation technology.”
“It’s Just Air!!”
Mr. Cann feels that Cryomatiks Inc. can help ease the minds of people that are concerned about emissions and other environmental issues. "Liquid air provides the ability to create an unlimited amount of a non-toxic, non-flammable 'fuel.' Since air is available everywhere on the planet, the raw supply of the air cannot be controlled by any one entity, industry group, or country. Fortunately, our technology helps clean the air we all breathe of current pollution in real time while also preventing the release of future pollution, and we can do this economically, which is a complete game changer. How can anyone not be in favor of having cleaner air today?"
About AutoTech Breakthrough
The mission of the AutoTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the innovation, hard work and success in the automotive industry. Autotech Breakthrough Awards is part of Tech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence and recognition platform for the most innovative technology companies in the world. For more information visit:
About CryomatiKs Inc.
CryomatiKs Inc. is a product development company that is enabling and accelerating zero emission technologies. Our goal is the "full democratization of zero emission technologies” within the transportation and energy markets as the World transitions towards net zero goals. Patented designs being commercialized by the company allow the well-established process of cooling air down into a liquid to serve as the basis of an unlimited, non-toxic “fuel” source that produces zero emissions in the process. For more details, information, or interviews: /Ph: +1(321)328-0850/ www.CryoEnergy.Tech